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A-d-r-i 2020-07-07 09:18:40 +02:00
parent bf253f6926
commit 630cde05ad
3 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

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Master 2 study : effect of artificial light and land use on biodiversity
With two different sampling protocols, we want to study **the effects of artificial light and land use on biodiversity at night** in the *Parc Naturel Régional des Baronnies provençales* (France, 26 - 05).
A potential description of changes in acoustic activity during a day or a week cannot be excluded.
## Two protocols ##
*Effects of artificial light ("light pollution") emitted by the villages of the Park on biodiversity at night.*
Recording at 48 kHz for 59 min with 1 min of rest. This cycle lasts 4 days and 4 nights in order to observe **the effects at night**, but also to describe **the effects of changing soundscape between night and day**.
*Effects of land use on biodiversity, linked to artificial light.*
Random draw of 5 points in all types of land use in the municipality of Val-Buëch Méouge taking into account public or municipal properties.
Each point was sampled at 256 kHz for 300 sec (5 min) every 600 sec (10 min) for 6 nights.