diff --git a/CV_Adrien_CHARBONNEAU.tex b/CV_Adrien_CHARBONNEAU.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9f7811 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV_Adrien_CHARBONNEAU.tex @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% This is an sample CV template created using altacv.cls +% (v1.4, 12 Apr 2021) written by LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com). Now compiles with pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. +% +%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the +%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 +%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. +%% The latest version of this license is in +%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt +%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX +%% version 2003/12/01 or later. +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%% Use the "normalphoto" option if you want a normal photo instead of cropped to a circle +% \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,normalphoto]{altacv} + +\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,ragged2e,withhyper]{altacv} +%% AltaCV uses the fontawesome5 and packages. +%% See http://texdoc.net/pkg/fontawesome5 for full list of symbols. + +% Change the page layout if you need to +\geometry{left=0.5cm,right=0.5cm,top=0.5cm,bottom=0.5cm,columnsep=1cm} + +% The paracol package lets you typeset columns of text in parallel +\usepackage{paracol} + +% Change the font if you want to, depending on whether +% you're using pdflatex or xelatex/lualatex +\ifxetexorluatex + % If using xelatex or lualatex: + \setmainfont{Roboto Slab} + \setsansfont{Lato} + \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} +\else + % If using pdflatex: + \usepackage[rm]{roboto} + \usepackage[defaultsans]{lato} + % \usepackage{sourcesanspro} + \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} +\fi + +% Change the colours if you want to +\definecolor{GreyTitle}{HTML}{777777} +\definecolor{SlateGrey}{HTML}{2E2E2E} +\definecolor{LightGrey}{HTML}{666666} +\definecolor{Greentitle}{HTML}{4cae4f} +\definecolor{PastelRed}{HTML}{f79a4d} +\definecolor{Greyrule}{HTML}{E6E6E6} +\colorlet{name}{GreyTitle} +\colorlet{tagline}{Greentitle} +\colorlet{heading}{Greentitle} +\colorlet{headingrule}{Greyrule} +\colorlet{subheading}{PastelRed} +\colorlet{accent}{PastelRed} +\colorlet{emphasis}{SlateGrey} +\colorlet{body}{LightGrey} + +% Change some fonts, if necessary +\renewcommand{\namefont}{\Huge\rmfamily\bfseries} +\renewcommand{\personalinfofont}{\footnotesize} +\renewcommand{\cvsectionfont}{\LARGE\rmfamily\bfseries} +\renewcommand{\cvsubsectionfont}{\large\bfseries} + + +% Change the bullets for itemize and rating marker +% for \cvskill if you want to +\renewcommand{\itemmarker}{{\small\textbullet}} +\renewcommand{\ratingmarker}{\faCircle} + +%% Use (and optionally edit if necessary) this .cfg if you +%% want to use an author-year reference style like APA(6) +%% for your publication list +% \input{pubs-authoryear.cfg} + +%% Use (and optionally edit if necessary) this .cfg if you +%% want an originally numerical reference style like IEEE +%% for your publication list +% \input{pubs-num.cfg} + +%% sample.bib contains your publications +% \addbibresource{sample.bib} + +\begin{document} +\name{Adrien CHARBONNEAU} +\tagline{Naturaliste écologue et ornithologue passionné} +%% You can add multiple photos on the left or right +\photoR{3cm}{PROFIL.jpg} +% \photoL{2.5cm}{Yacht_High,Suitcase_High} + +\personalinfo{% + % Not all of these are required! + \email{adrien.charbonneau@free.fr} + \phone{06 52 28 85 25} + \car{Véhiculé} + \mailaddress{19 rue Antoine Primat, 69100 Villeurbanne} + % \location{Location, COUNTRY} + \homepage{www.adriencharbonneau.fr} + % \twitter{@twitterhandle} + \linkedin{adrien-charbonneau} + \git{Adrien} + \researchgate{Adrien-Charbonneau} + %% You can add your own arbitrary detail with + %% \printinfo{symbol}{detail}[optional hyperlink prefix] + % \printinfo{\faPaw}{Hey ho!}[https://example.com/] + %% Or you can declare your own field with + %% \NewInfoFiled{fieldname}{symbol}[optional hyperlink prefix] and use it: + % \NewInfoField{gitlab}{\faGitlab}[https://gitlab.com/] + % \gitlab{your_id} +} + +\makecvheader +%% Depending on your tastes, you may want to make fonts of itemize environments slightly smaller +% \AtBeginEnvironment{itemize}{\small} + +%% Set the left/right column width ratio to 6:4. +\columnratio{0.55} + +% Start a 2-column paracol. Both the left and right columns will automatically +% break across pages if things get too long. +\begin{paracol}{2} +\cvsection{Expériences professionnelles} + +\cvevent{Chargé d'études ornithologiques}{Synergis Environnement - Agence Est}{Janvier 2021 -- En cours}{Vaulx-en-Velin (69)} +Inventaire avifaune (IPA, migration, rapaces,...) + faune généraliste / suivi mortalité / VNEI / Impacts et Mesures + +\divider + +\cvevent{Impact de la pollution lumineuse sur la biodiversité}{P.N.R des Baronnies provençales - IMBE}{Février 2020 -- Août 2020}{Drôme (26) - Hautes-Alpes (05)} +Bio-écoacoustique / Pollution lumineuse / Activité et indices acoustiques + +\divider + +\cvevent{Compétition entre deux espèces de Geckos}{Agence Française pour la Biodiversité - P.N. de Port-Cros}{Septembre 2019}{Île de Porquerolles (83)} +Étude scientifique / Milieu insulaire / Compétition écologique + +\divider + +\cvevent{Caractérisation du territoire de reproduction de la \\Pie-grièche méridionale}{Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux - PACA}{Mars 2019 -- Juin 2019}{Bouches-du-Rhône (13)} +Capture / Radiopistage / Territoires de reproduction / Publication + + +\divider + +\cvevent{Lien entre communauté d’Orthoptères et hauteur de végétation}{Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Écologie - IMBE}{Septembre 2018}{Vallée de l'Ubaye (04)} +Étude scientifique : protocole - terrain - analyse / Travail en équipe + + +\divider + +\cvevent{Chargé d'études faunistiques}{Alp'Pagès / Ecoscim}{Mai 2018 -- Août 2018}{France métropolitaine} +Alpes / Vosges / Pyrénées / Inventaire / SIG / VNEI + +\switchcolumn + +\cvsection{Études} + +\cvevent{Master en Biodiversité, Écologie, Évolution}{Université Aix-Marseille}{Sept 2018 -- Sept 2020}{Marseille (13)} +%%Ajout de détails + +\divider + +\cvevent{Licence en Biologie générale}{Université Grenoble-Alpes}{Sept 2015 -- Mai 2018}{Grenoble (38)} +%%Ajout de détails + +\divider + +\cvevent{Baccalauréat Général Scientifique}{Institution Notre-Dame}{2015}{Valence (26)} +%%Ajout de détails + +\cvsection{Langues et informatique} + +\cvevent{Langues vivantes}{}{}{} +\begin{itemize} +\item Anglais : Courant (B1) +\item Espagnol : Notions (A2) +\end{itemize} + +\divider + +\cvevent{Informatique et technologies}{}{}{} +\begin{itemize} +\item Analyse de données : R, QGIS, MARK, MAXENT +\item Bureautique : Pack Office, LaTex +\item C2i : obtention en 2017 +\item Site internet : \url{https://www.adriencharbonneau.fr} +\end{itemize} + + +% use ONLY \newpage if you want to force a page break for +% ONLY the current column +% \newpage + + +%% Switch to the right column. This will now automatically move to the second +%% page if the content is too long. + + +\cvsection{Compétences} + +\cvtag{Ornithologie} +\cvtag{Naturalisme} +\cvtag{Écologie}\\ +% \divider\smallskip +\cvtag{Conservation et gestion} +\cvtag{Analyse de données}\\ +\cvtag{Cartographie} +\cvtag{Bio-Éco-Acoustique}\\ +\cvtag{Science} +\cvtag{Rédaction} +\cvtag{Aisance orale} + +\end{paracol} +\begin{paracol}{1} +\bigskip +\cvsection{Centres d'intérêt et autres activités} + +\cvachievement{\faBinoculars}{Naturalisme}{Suivis migration / Wetlands / STOC / EPOC / Suivi amphibiens / Vigie-chiro / Participation Atlas de Biodiversité - Régionaux} + +\divider + +\cvachievement{\faLeaf}{Bénévolat/Adhésion}{Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (2012) / Société Nationale de la Protection de la Nature (2019) / Alauda (2021)} + +\divider + +\cvachievement{\faSearch}{Sciences participatives}{Saisies d’observations sur les bases de données Biolovision (Faune-France / Naturalist) / Telabotanica / Spipoll} + +\end{paracol} + + +\end{document} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PROFIL-RE.jpg b/PROFIL-RE.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2983eab Binary files /dev/null and b/PROFIL-RE.jpg differ diff --git a/altacv.cls b/altacv.cls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..396975d --- /dev/null +++ b/altacv.cls @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% This is altacv.cls (v1.5, 8 May 2021) written by +% LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com). +% +%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the +%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 +%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. +%% The latest version of this license is in +%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt +%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX +%% version 2003/12/01 or later. +%% +%% +% Contributions: +% - https://github.com/akreuzer Added ragged2e option (5 Nov 2018) +% - https://github.com/stefanogermano Fixed bad boxes and undefined font shape (July 2018) +% - https://github.com/foohyfooh Fixed blank spaces in \cvevent and bad link in README.md (June 2018) + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] +\ProvidesClass{altacv}[2021/05/08 AltaCV v1.5, yet another alternative class for a resume/curriculum vitae.] + +%% v1.1: Optionally load academicons +%% v1.4: Nope, academicons is unnecessary; fontawesome5 has \faOrcid. +\DeclareOption{academicons}{\ClassWarning{altacv}{academicons option is now obsolete and unnecessary.}} +%% v1.1.3: Choice of round/square photo +\newif\if@normalphoto +\DeclareOption{normalphoto}{\@normalphototrue} +\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{extarticle}} +\newif\if@raggedtwoe +\DeclareOption{ragged2e}{\@raggedtwoetrue} +%% v1.3: load hyperref for clickable hyperlinks +\newif\if@withhyper +\DeclareOption{withhyper}{\@withhypertrue} +\ProcessOptions\relax + +\LoadClass{article} +%% v1.3.2 Hopefully this helps make the PDF +%% file more 'friendly' with copy-paste etc +\RequirePackage[a-1b]{pdfx} +%% v1.3.3 Temporary fix for pdfx and biblatex incompatibility +%% (Thanks to @badetitou for highlighting this issue) +%% https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/1044 +%% Will be removed when fix is released in biblatex 3.16 +% \catcode30=12 +\RequirePackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} +\RequirePackage[fixed]{fontawesome5} +\RequirePackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} +\RequirePackage{scrlfile} +\RequirePackage{xparse} + +%% v1.1.5: added for convenience +\newif\ifxetexorluatex +\ifxetex + \xetexorluatextrue +\else + \ifluatex + \xetexorluatextrue + \else + \xetexorluatexfalse + \fi +\fi + +\ifxetexorluatex + \RequirePackage{fontspec} +\else + %% v1.3.2 attempts to make ligatures + %% copy-paste as normal characters + \RequirePackage{cmap} + \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} + \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} + \input{glyphtounicode} + \pdfglyphtounicode{f_f}{FB00} + \pdfglyphtounicode{f_f_i}{FB03} + \pdfglyphtounicode{f_f_l}{FB04} + \pdfglyphtounicode{f_i}{FB01} + \pdfgentounicode=1 +\fi + +\if@raggedtwoe + \RequirePackage[newcommands]{ragged2e} +\fi + +\if@withhyper + \AtBeginDocument{% + \hypersetup{hidelinks} + \urlstyle{same} + } +\fi + +\RequirePackage{xcolor} + +\colorlet{accent}{blue!70!black} +\colorlet{emphasis}{black} +\colorlet{heading}{black} +\colorlet{headingrule}{black} +\colorlet{subheading}{emphasis} +\colorlet{body}{black!80!white} +\colorlet{name}{heading} +\colorlet{tagline}{accent} +\newcommand{\itemmarker}{{\small\textbullet}} +\newcommand{\ratingmarker}{\faCircle} + +\RequirePackage{tikz} +\usetikzlibrary{arrows} +\RequirePackage[skins]{tcolorbox} +\RequirePackage[inline]{enumitem} +\setlist{leftmargin=*,labelsep=0.5em,nosep,itemsep=0.25\baselineskip,after=\vspace{0.25\baselineskip}} +\setlist[itemize]{label=\itemmarker} +\RequirePackage{graphicx} +\RequirePackage{etoolbox} +\RequirePackage{dashrule} +\RequirePackage{multirow,tabularx} +\RequirePackage{changepage} +% \RequirePackage{marginfix} + +\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} +\newcommand{\divider}{\textcolor{body!30}{\hdashrule{\linewidth}{0.6pt}{0.5ex}}\medskip} + +\newenvironment{fullwidth}{% + \begin{adjustwidth}{}{\dimexpr-\marginparwidth-\marginparsep\relax}} + {\end{adjustwidth}} + +%% v1.3.1 \detokenize will break UTF-8 in pdflatex +%% Using alternative from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/530911/226 +\newcommand{\utffriendlydetokenize}[1]{% +\scantokens{% + \catcode`\_=12% +% \catcode`\^=12% +% \catcode`\{=12% +% \catcode`\}=12% + \catcode`\&=12% + \catcode`\$=12% + \catcode`\#=12% + \catcode`\~=12% +% \catcode`\\=12% + {#1}% +}% +} +%% v1.3: Incorporating hyperlinks +%% v1.3.1: using \unfriendlydetokenize to avoid +%% breaking unicode +\ExplSyntaxOn +\NewDocumentCommand{\printinfo}{m m o}{% + \IfNoValueTF{#3}{% + \mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}~\utffriendlydetokenize{#2}\hspace{2em}}% + }{% + \if@withhyper% + \mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}~ + \href{#3}{\utffriendlydetokenize{#2}}\hspace{2em}} + \else% + \ClassWarning{Please specify [withhyper] option to enable hyperlinks. Printing out full hyperlink prefix #1 for now.}% + \mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}~{\utffriendlydetokenize{#3#2}}\hspace{2em}}% + \fi% + }% +}% + +%% v1.3: Exploring convenient creation of fields +\NewDocumentCommand{\NewInfoField}{m m o}{% + \IfNoValueF{#3}{\csdef{#1 hyperprefix}{#3}}% + \csdef{#1 symbol}{#2}% + \csdef{#1}##1{% + \if@withhyper + \IfNoValueTF {#3} + {\printinfo{\csuse{#1 symbol}}{##1}}% + {\printinfo{\csuse{#1 symbol}}{##1}[\csuse{#1 hyperprefix}##1]}% + \else + \printinfo{\csuse{#1 symbol}}{##1}% + \fi% + } +} +\ExplSyntaxOff + +\newcommand{\name}[1]{\def\@name{#1}} +\newcommand{\tagline}[1]{\def\@tagline{#1}} +\newcommand{\personalinfo}[1]{\def\@personalinfo{#1}} +\NewInfoField{email}{\faAt}[mailto:] +\NewInfoField{mailaddress}{\faEnvelope} +\NewInfoField{phone}{\faPhone}[tel:] +\NewInfoField{car}{\faCar} +\NewInfoField{homepage}{\faGlobe}[https://] +\NewInfoField{twitter}{\faTwitter}[https://twitter.com/] +\NewInfoField{linkedin}{\faLinkedin}[https://linkedin.com/in/] +\NewInfoField{git}{\faGitSquare}[https://git.adriencharbonneau.fr/] +\NewInfoField{researchgate}{\faResearchgate}[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/] +% v1.?? Use fontawesome5 for Orcid symbol +\NewInfoField{orcid}{\faOrcid}[https://orcid.org/] +\NewInfoField{location}{\faMapMarker} + +% v1.2: Support for multiple photos +\newlength{\altacv@photos@width} +\newlength{\altacv@photo@diam@left} +\newlength{\altacv@photo@diam@right} +\def\altacv@left@photos{} +\def\altacv@right@photos{} + +\newcommand{\@makeaphoto}[2]{% + \begin{minipage}{#1}% + \if@normalphoto + \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#2} + \else + \tikz\path[fill overzoom image={#2}][scale=3][rounded corners=10mm] (0,0)--(0,1)--(1,1)--(1,0)--cycle; + \fi% + \end{minipage}% +} + +\newcommand{\altacv@add@photo@left}[1]{% + \appto{\altacv@left@photos}{% + \@makeaphoto{\altacv@photo@diam@left}{#1}\hspace{1ex}% + }% + \addtolength{\altacv@photos@width}{\altacv@photo@diam@left}% + \addtolength{\altacv@photos@width}{1ex}% +} +\newcommand{\altacv@add@photo@right}[1]{% + \appto{\altacv@right@photos}{% + \@makeaphoto{\altacv@photo@diam@right}{#1}\hspace{1ex}% + }% + \addtolength{\altacv@photos@width}{\altacv@photo@diam@right}% + \addtolength{\altacv@photos@width}{1ex}% +} +\newcommand{\photoL}[2]{% + \setlength{\altacv@photo@diam@left}{#1}% + \forcsvlist{\altacv@add@photo@left}{#2}% +} +\newcommand{\photoR}[2]{% + \setlength{\altacv@photo@diam@right}{#1}% + \forcsvlist{\altacv@add@photo@right}{#2}% +} +\let\photo\photoR + +\newcommand{\namefont}{\Huge\bfseries} +\newcommand{\taglinefont}{\large\bfseries} +\newcommand{\personalinfofont}{\footnotesize\bfseries} +\newcommand{\cvsectionfont}{\LARGE\bfseries} +\newcommand{\cvsubsectionfont}{\large\bfseries} + +\newcommand{\makecvheader}{% + \begingroup + \altacv@left@photos\hfill% + \begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\linewidth-\altacv@photos@width}% + \raggedright% + {\namefont\color{name}{\@name}\par} %\MakeUppercase + \medskip + {\taglinefont\color{tagline}\@tagline\par} + \medskip + {\personalinfofont\@personalinfo\par} + \end{minipage}\hfill% + \altacv@right@photos\par% + \endgroup\medskip +} + +\renewenvironment{quote}{\color{accent}\itshape\large}{\par} + +\newcommand{\cvsection}[2][]{% + \bigskip% + \ifstrequal{#1}{}{}{\marginpar{\vspace*{\dimexpr1pt-\baselineskip}\raggedright\input{#1}}}% + {\color{heading}\cvsectionfont{#2}}\\[-1ex]% %\MakeUppercase + {\color{headingrule}\rule{\linewidth}{2pt}\par}\medskip +} + +\newcommand{\cvsubsection}[1]{% + \smallskip% + {\color{subheading}\cvsubsectionfont{#1}\par}\medskip +} + +% v1.1.4: fixes inconsistent font size +\newcommand{\cvevent}[4]{% + {\large\color{emphasis}#1\par} + \smallskip\normalsize + \ifstrequal{#2}{}{}{ + \textbf{\color{accent}#2}\par + \smallskip} + \ifstrequal{#3}{}{}{{\small\makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{\faCalendar~#3}}}% + \ifstrequal{#4}{}{}{{\small\makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{\faMapMarker~#4}}}\par + \medskip\normalsize +} + +\newcommand{\cvachievement}[3]{% + \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}p{2em} @{\hspace{1ex}} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X@{}} + \multirow{2}{*}{\Large\color{accent}#1} & \bfseries\textcolor{emphasis}{#2}\\ + & #3 + \end{tabularx}% + \smallskip +} + +\newcommand{\cvtag}[1]{% + \tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw=body!30,rounded corners,inner xsep=1ex,inner ysep =0.75ex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex]{#1}; +} + +\newcommand{\cvskill}[2]{% +\textcolor{emphasis}{\textbf{#1}}\hfill +\foreach \x in {1,...,5}{% + \space{\ifnumgreater{\x}{#2}{\color{body!30}}{\color{accent}}\ratingmarker}}\par% +} + +% Adapted from @Jake's answer at http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/82729/226 +\newcommand{\wheelchart}[4][0]{% + \begingroup\centering + \def\innerradius{#3}% + \def\outerradius{#2}% + % Calculate total + \pgfmathsetmacro{\totalnum}{0}% + \foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#4} {% + \pgfmathparse{\value+\totalnum}% + \global\let\totalnum=\pgfmathresult% + }% + \begin{tikzpicture} + + % Calculate the thickness and the middle line of the wheel + \pgfmathsetmacro{\wheelwidth}{\outerradius-\innerradius} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\midradius}{(\outerradius+\innerradius)/2} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\totalrot}{-90 + #1} + + % Rotate so we start from the top + \begin{scope}[rotate=\totalrot] + + % Loop through each value set. \cumnum keeps track of where we are in the wheel + \pgfmathsetmacro{\cumnum}{0} + \foreach \value/\width/\colour/\name in {#4} { + \pgfmathsetmacro{\newcumnum}{\cumnum + \value/\totalnum*360} + + % Calculate the percent value + \pgfmathsetmacro{\percentage}{\value/\totalnum*100} + % Calculate the mid angle of the colour segments to place the labels + \pgfmathsetmacro{\midangle}{-(\cumnum+\newcumnum)/2} + + % This is necessary for the labels to align nicely + \pgfmathparse{ + (-\midangle>180?"west":"east") + } \edef\textanchor{\pgfmathresult} + \pgfmathparse{ + (-\midangle>180?"flush left":"flush right") + } \edef\textalign{\pgfmathresult} + \pgfmathsetmacro\labelshiftdir{1-2*(-\midangle<180)} + + % Draw the color segments. Somehow, the \midrow units got lost, so we add 'pt' at the end. Not nice... + \filldraw[draw=white,fill=\colour] (-\cumnum:\outerradius) arc (-\cumnum:-(\newcumnum):\outerradius) -- + (-\newcumnum:\innerradius) arc (-\newcumnum:-(\cumnum):\innerradius) -- cycle; + + % Draw the data labels + \draw [*-,thin,emphasis] node [append after command={(\midangle:\midradius pt) -- (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) -- (\tikzlastnode)}] at (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) [xshift=\labelshiftdir*0.5cm,inner sep=1ex, outer sep=0pt, text width=\width,anchor=\textanchor,align=\textalign,font=\small,text=body]{\name}; + % Set the old cumulated angle to the new value + \global\let\cumnum=\newcumnum + } + \end{scope} +% \draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\outerradius) circle (\innerradius); + \end{tikzpicture}\par + \endgroup +} + +\newcommand{\cvref}[3]{% + \smallskip + \textcolor{emphasis}{\textbf{#1}}\par + \begin{description}[font=\color{accent},style=multiline,leftmargin=1.35em,align=left] + \item[\small\normalfont\emailsymbol] #2 + \item[\small\normalfont\mailaddresssymbol] #3 + \end{description} +% \medskip +} + +\newenvironment{cvcolumn}[1]{\begin{minipage}[t]{#1}\raggedright}{\end{minipage}} + +% v1.5 Move biblatex-related code to separate .cfg file +% so that it's easier to change and customise the style for +% publication lists + +% v1.1.2: make it easier to add a sidebar aligned with top of next page +\RequirePackage{afterpage} +\newcommand{\addsidebar}[2][]{\marginpar{% + \ifstrequal{#1}{}{}{\vspace*{#1}}% + \input{#2}}% +} +\newcommand{\addnextpagesidebar}[2][]{\afterpage{\addsidebar[#1]{#2}}} + +\AtBeginDocument{% + \pagestyle{empty} + \color{body} + \raggedright +} \ No newline at end of file